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WordDefinitionTranslationWord in contextVocabulary buildingExamples and remarks
employment Employment is the state of having regular paid work, or, from the company's perspective, the act of giving someone a paid job. Arbeitsstelle Many students seek full-time employment at major companies when they graduate. Companies are usually happy to give employment to top graduates. to employ someone (verb); employer/ employees/unemploymen rate/unemployment benefit/employment agency/employment authorization (noun); selfemployed/ unemployed (adjective) A company is an employer and the people employed by a company are its employees. Most graduates look for fulltime employment whereas, for example, a mother with young children may only be seeking part-time employment.
excellent command of English If you have an excellent command of English, you are nearly fluent in both written and spoken English. (This is a standard way of describing excellent English skills.) ausgezeichnete Englischkenntnis The interviewers agreed that the German job candidate had an excellent command of English and would be unlikely to experience any language problems if they offered her the job in Sydney. Another way to say that you have an excellent command of English is "excellent written and verbal communication skills in english". If you have a good working knowledge of a language, you can make yourself understood when speaking and understand the gist when reading.
extra-curricular Hobbies, club memberships and other activities that are not part of your study programme are known as extracurricular activities. außerhalb des Lehrplans It is usual to include extra-curricular activities in a UK or US-style CV, especially those that illustrate attributes such as leadership, interpersonal or team skills. curriculum (noun) A curriculum is the group of subjects studied at a school or college, or the programme of study for a particular subject